Tuesday, April 4, is Library Giving Day

All together now!

Tuesday, April 4,  is Library Giving Day image


raised towards $50 goal



Days Left


All together now!

Where would you be without your library?

For more than a decade, caring neighbors like you have worked towards building a better home for Shutesbury’s beloved (but tiny!) library.

We’ve contributed to tag sales, bake sales, dinners, Spring Spruce-Ups, and a clothing drive; donated returnable bottles and cans; helped pass capital fund appropriations at Annual Town Meetings . . . and most significantly, given generously on Library Giving Days.

Our devotion has paid off. Shutesbury has been awarded the one-and-only Small Library Pilot Program Grant in the Commonwealth. Voters have approved the Town’s portion of the project. We’ve hired the architects. We’ve begun the design process. We expect to break ground in March 2024. Thanks to you, we’ve rounded the turn and we’re coming into the home stretch!

But we’re not quite there yet, and that’s why we’re writing today. You see, The Friends of the M.N. Spear Memorial Library are still raising funds to make sure that when our new library opens in March 2025, it will be all that Shutesbury needs it to be – without overly burdening our most vulnerable neighbors.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, is National Library Giving Day

In 2022, Library Giving Day raised an amazing $38,000 for the New Shutesbury Library Fund. Our goal for 2023 is even more ambitious: $50,000. But we already have help! If we can raise $15,000, a team of generous supporters will match it dollar for dollar -that’s $30,000 of the $50,000 right there.

This is our greatest challenge ever, and we need you with us to meet it! On or before April 4, take a moment to donate to our Library Giving Day Campaign!
Or mail your check right now to: FSML, P.O. Box 256, Shutesbury MA 01072

All together now! Today is a day of collective generosity, with neighbors from all over town giving. Whether you give $5, $50, or $500, your generosity makes a difference.

Thank you!

Matt Franz
President, Friends of the M.N. Spear Memorial Library